Finance Impaq always welcomes ideas, initiatives and opportunities to explore synergies that allow us to offer clients the best services available. Whether you are a business, university, nonprofit, international organization or an independent consultant, we invite you to learn more about working with us. By so doing, you activate the process of permanent, positive change.
As the country’s unique venture of its kind, Finance Impaq offers global reach, local expertise, and cross-sector leadership. We engage individuals in building stronger communities – locally, nationally and regionally. Together, we fight for the employment, inclusion, health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community.
Contact us: info@financethink.mk
Finance Impaq is the policy service platform, a spin-off company of Finance Think – the Economic Research & Policy Institute, a non-for-profit think tank based in Skopje.
Finance Think is an independent and non-for-profit economic research and policy institute, founded in 2012.
FT’s Vision
To steer economic thinking for increased wellbeing tomorrow.
FT’s Mission
To enhance the impact of economic, social and development trends and policies on citizens in North Macedonia and the Western Balkans region, through economic research, evidence-based and data-driven advocacy, and steering critical debate on economic and democratic processes.