We are a passionate group of impact evaluators dedicated to helping public and private institutions improve their policies & programs and provide the best value to society and their stakeholders. We rely on knowledge, professional skills and competences acquired at various renowned domestic and foreign universities. As an organisation who continuously learns, we are devoted to investing in enhancing and upgrading the skills of our team. Meet our team below.
Blagica Petreski
Blagica obtained a certificate of participation in and successful completion of an online course on “Evaluation of Public Policies” organized by PEP in collaboration with Laval University.
Blagica has been actively contributing to the development agenda of the International Labor Organization, UNDP, UN Women and other agencies, as well as a multitude of domestic and regional private entities.
Despina Tumanoska
Despina obtained a certificate of participation in and successful completion of an online course on “Evaluation of Public Policies” organized by PEP in collaboration with Laval University.
Despina has been actively working on employment issues commissioned by the International Labor Organization and UN Women.
Marjan Petreski
Marjan worked on a dozen of impact evaluations in the domain of his research interest.
Marjan served external consultant of the World Bank, International Labor Organization, UNCTAD, UN Women, UNDP, Regional Cooperation Council and others.